Posts Tagged ‘training’

Free Buprenorphine Waiver Training Offered in Sullivan Co on May 6

Wednesday, March 8th, 2017

The NYSDOH, AIDS Institute is sponsoring a free buprenorphine waiver training for clinical providers in Monticello on Saturday, May 6, 2017 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Breakfast will be provided.

In response to the opioid overdose deaths in New York State, increased access to buprenorphine treatment for opioid overdose disorder is urgently needed. Physicians, Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants are welcome and highly encouraged to attend this training. Under current regulations, clinical providers are required to obtain a ‘waiver’ to prescribe buprenorphine. Physicians can acquire this waiver by attending and completing a standardized and required 8-hour training. This training is offered in a half-and-half format [4 hrs of online training followed up by 4 hrs of in-person training]. Upon completion, providers will meet the requirement of the DATA 2000 to be qualified to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid-dependent patients. NPs and PAs are required to complete an additional 16 hours of online training.

Register online today!

Trainers: Kelly Ramsey, MD, Hudson River HealthCare, Poughkeepsie, NY Sharon Stancliff, MD, Harm Reduction Coalition, New York, NY

Where: Ted Stroebele Recreation Center, 10 Jefferson St., Room 1, Monticello, NY 12701

Questions: NYSDOH, AIDS Institute, Office of Drug User Health Stephen Crowe, 212-417-4558, or Lyla Hunt, 518-473-7428,

Free Buprenorphine Training for Clinical Providers

Wednesday, March 8th, 2017

The NYSDOH, AIDS Institute is sponsoring a free buprenorphine waiver training for clinical providers. In response to the opioid overdose deaths in New York State, increased access to buprenorphine treatment for opioid overdose disorder is urgently needed. Physicians, Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants are welcome and highly encouraged to attend this training. Under current regulations, clinical providers are required to obtain a ‘waiver’ to prescribe buprenorphine. Physicians can acquire this waiver by attending and completing a standardized and required 8-hour training. This training is offered in a half-and-half format [4 hrs of online training followed up by 4 hrs of in-person training].

Upon completion, providers will meet the requirement of the DATA 2000 to be qualified to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid-dependent patients. NPs and PAs are required to complete an additional 16 hours of online training. Please contact us for further information.

CME CREDITS: The School of Public Health, University at Albany is accredited by the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The School of Public Health, University at Albany designates this live activity for a maximum of 5.0 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Trainers: Kelly Ramsey, MD (Hudson River HealthCare, Poughkeepsie, NY) and Sharon Stancliff, MD (Harm Reduction Coalition, New York, NY)

Where: Catskills Regional Medical Center, 68 Harris-Bushville Rd, 2nd Floor Board Room, Harris, NY 12742

Online Registration:

Questions: NYSDOH, AIDS Institute, Office of Drug User Health Stephen Crowe, 212-417-4558, Lyla Hunt, 518-473-7428,

ACCREDITATION: This activity has been planned and implemented by NYSDOH, AIDS Institute in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) and in partnership with Hudson Valley Community Services, Sullivan County Public Health Services and Harm Reduction Coalition. Funding for this course was made possible (in part) by 1U79TI026556 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry is the sponsoring data organization.

Health Cares: A Conference For Providers on Education, LGBTQ+ and Healthcare

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017

Health Cares: A Conference for Providers

Hepatitis C Cure: New Treatments & Breakthroughs – Half-Day Forum

Wednesday, April 20th, 2016

The National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project (NATAP) sponsors a half-day forum called “Hepatitis C Cure: New Treatments & Breakthroughs” on Saturday, June 11, 2016 at Weill Cornell Medical College’s Uris Auditorium. Dr. Ira Jacobson and Dr. Kristen Marks will present.

2.8 Nursing CEU & 4.5 CASAC hours available.

To attend, contact NATAP at (888) 266-2827 or at

Gilead Offers Two Trainings on Hep C

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

HVCS will host two trainings on the basics of Hepatitis C infection, transmission and treatment for care managers, service providers, and clients. Amber Pace from Gilead (the maker of several Hepatitis C medications) and a guest speaker will provide a clear-cut, no-medical-jargon version that can be easily understood by all skill levels. A light lunch will be provided.

One training will be held in HVCS’ Hawthorne (Westchester) office, the other in Newburgh.

Attendees MUST RSVP in advance to Anthony at (914) 785-8277 or via email.

Hepatitis C 101 Trainings

Hep C 101 Educational In-Service – Newburgh

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

Hepatitis C 101 Trainings

Hep C 101 Educational In-Service – Hawthorne

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

Hepatitis C 101 Trainings

All Together Now…A Photo of (Almost) Our Entire Staff!

Tuesday, January 5th, 2016
HVCS' staff, as of December 6, 2015

A photo of nearly all HVCS staff members, taken at our December all-staff meeting. Photo by Melisa Pendergrass.

HVCS held its semi-annual staff meeting on December 6, 2015 at the Thayer Hotel. These day-long staff retreats allow us to honor each others’ accomplishments, receive training on important agency or topical matters, and do a little team bonding. Nearly every staff member attended, so we were able to take this wonderful shot of (almost) the entire team!

The day also included fun team building activities such as a “Heads Up”-style card game and a domino challenge.

HVCS Staff Retreat – All Offices Closed

Thursday, December 3rd, 2015

All HVCS offices will be closed on Friday, December 4, 2015 for a staff educational retreat.

Living Healthy Workshop

Monday, November 2nd, 2015

Put life back into your life!

HVCS’ Kingston office is pleased to introduce a new peer-led support group for Ulster County residents living with complex chronic illnesses.

Living Healthy workshops help you:

  • Feel better. By heling you increase your energy and get relief from pain, fatigue, and difficult emotions.
  • Take control of your life. Helps you do the things you want to do each day.
  • Get connected. Gives you the opportunity to learn from others who have similar health issues.

The Living Healthy workshop is a six-session peer-led health education program for people with any type of ongoing health condition and compliments the health care that person may already be receiving. The purpose of the Living Healthy workshop is to enhance one’s skills and ability to manage their health and maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

In addition, participants learn or enhance their problem-solving and decision-making skills which enable them to confront the ever-changing challenges of living with an ongoing health condition. The course is facilitated by two leaders, one or both of whom are trained volunteers who themselves have an ongoing health condition. Participants are invited to bring a family member or friend.

The program includes:

  • Developing decision-making and problem-solving skills
  • Developing and maintaining a safe and long-term physical activity program
  • Fatigue management
  • Dealing with anger, depression, and other difficult emotions
  • Cognitive management of pain and stress
  • Communicating effectively with family, friends and health professionals
  • Using prescribed medication appropriately
  • Healthy eating
  • Making informed treatment decisions
  • Planning for future health care


Stanford’s Patient Education Research Center conducted a randomized, controlled test of the program with 1,000 class participants and found many to have the following outcomes for up to three years after attending the class series:

  • Better communication with physicians
  • Better coping strategies and symptom management
  • Increased physical activity
  • Reduced health distress

The Healthy Living workshops will be facilitated by two trained people in the Living Healthy NY program. This is a free workshop for Ulster County residents who have a chronic illness. The classes will be held in the conference room at 138 Pine St., Kingston from 2:30pm-4:30pm. The dates are Nov. 12, Nov. 19, Dec. 3, Dec 10, Dec 17, and Dec 23.