NYS Announces New Program for Low- or No-Cost Naloxone Access

NCAP information

For individuals with prescription coverage through their health insurance plans, this program will cover the cost of co-payments for naloxone up to $40 so there are no or lower out-of-pocket expenses when accessing naloxone at participating pharmacies.  All Medicaid Managed Care Plans cover at least one formulation of naloxone, and the vast majority of private insurance plans also cover naloxone.

There are 2,000 pharmacies throughout the State who dispense naloxone with a physician standing order.  Individuals getting naloxone at these pharmacies do not need a prescription. There is no individual enrollment requirement to use N-CAP.  Maximizing pharmacy distribution increases access to naloxone.

For a directory of pharmacies with standing orders, please access the link below:


This directory is updated monthly.

Individuals who cannot access naloxone from pharmacies will continue to access naloxone through registered programs including individuals using naloxone in the line of duty and people who are uninsured.

Additional information regarding N-CAP can be found at:  www.health.ny.gov/overdose.

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